Amazon: Alexa Cove
Senior Copywriter
Senior Copywriter
We wanted to introduce college students to Alexa, so we targeted social channels where they already were. In the style of Snap Originals programming, we created Alexa Cove, a reality show about Alexa and her college roommates.
Except we didn’t create the show. Only the previews for it. (Before DuoLingo’s Love Language)
Each 10-second Amazon Echo ad played as an “episode preview,” while seamlessly incorporating Alexa as a roommate and how she can help. We also created Snapchat Discovery tiles to learn more about each character (mimicing real shows), 30-second sizzles for the show that ran as YouTube pre-roll, and Tinder ads as well.
3.1 million video completions
366 million impressions
Broke the Alexa website for a few hours after launch due to too many click-throughs
We partnered with Alpine Pictures and the amazingly talented and funny Director duo Hannah & Adriana and it was just THE BEST.